- Mina Shirakawa vs. Harley Cameron
- Johnny TV vs. Daniel Garcia
- The Acclaimed vs. LFI
- Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Bear Bronson
- AEW Women’s World Championship No DQ: Mariah May (c) vs. Anna Jay
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AEW Collision 11/16/24
From the MVP Arena in Albany, New York! Mariah May and Anna Jay arrive at the arena in tonight’s
Match #1. Harley Cameron vs. Mina Shirakawa
Drop toe hold by Mina and a sit out knee buster. Lots of gyrations in this one. Russian leg sweep by Cameron and an enziguiri. Mina counters with a Russian leg sweep of her own. Running hip attack in the corner by Mina and a double jump hook kick. Foot sweep by Mina and another knee buster. Figure four locked in by Mina but Cameron makes it to the ropes. Drop toe hold over the middle rope by Mina and a superkick to the knee. Spinning back kick by Mina but Cameron counters the Glamorous. Tear drop suplex by Cameron gets two. Cameron avoids a corner charge and rolls up Mina but her feet are on the ropes. Rolling elbow by Mina and a Disaster Kick! Diving Slindblade from the middle rope by Mina gets two. Mina wants Glamorous but Cameron blocks it with a roll up for two. Spinning back fist by Mina and Glamorous Driver finally finishes this one.
Winner: Mina Shirakawa
Rating: **3/4. Nice showing for the returning Mina Shirakawa here, and a good job done by Cameron.
Match #2. Daniel Garcia vs. Johnny TV w/ MxM Collection
Matt Menard joins the commentary table. TV ducks a clothesline but Garcia flattens him with a shoulder block. Mansoor provides the distraction and Garcia gets chokeslammed behind the referee’s back. Garcia gets beat up on the outside of the ring and TV remains in control throughout the PIP. Garcia fires back some hard chops but gets dumped to the outside and TV follows up with a big tornillo to the floor. Jack Perry shows up and bounces Matt Menard’s head off the commentary table! Inside the ring, huge Saito suplex by Garcia! Running boot in the corner by Garcia and a swinging neckbreaker. Two count. Garcia wants a piledriver but TV dumps him over the top and to the floor with a back body drop. MxM beat on Garcia behind the referee’s back. In the ring, Disaster Kick by TV and a diving swinging neckbreaker. Starship Pain misses! John Wu dropkick by Garcia and a seated Cobra Clutch finishes this one!
Winner: Daniel Garcia
Rating: **3/4. Garcia overcomes the odds here while his foil gets the best of Garcia’s best friend at the commentary.
After the match, Menard is shown getting jumped backstage by Jack Perry. Perry wraps a chain around Menard’s neck and tries to drag him from his bus! Garcia is here to make the save for Menard.
Back from commercial as Garcia and Menard have commandeered the Scapegoat bus, and they’ve strapped Perry to the hood!
Match #3. Shelton Benjamin w/ MVP vs. Komander w/ Alex Abrahantes
Benjamin in control early, whipping Komander hard into the turnbuckles. Komander tries the double jump arm drag but Benjamin holds on and tosses him with an exploder as we go to commercial. Back from break and Benjamin flapjacks Komander and puts the boots to him in the corner. Komander trips the legs of Benjamin and comes off the top rope with a shotgun dropkick. Benjamin looks for a suplex but Komander escapes out the back and goes around the world three times before taking him to the floor with a tieres! Komander walks the ropes from the far side of the ring and connect with a twisting cartwheel plancha to the floor! 619 by Komander! Komander looks for the rope walk Shooting Star Press but Benjamin moves and sends Komander flying with a huge release German suplex. Make that two. Running knee in the corner and a brutal jumping thrust kick to the face. Exploder bomb by Benjamin and this one is over.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin
Rating: ***. Shelton has come into AEW with a chip on his shoulder and man he’s delivering time after time in the ring. Benjamin is being billed like a monster, too. Komander played his part here but this is about the Hurt Syndiate.
After the match, Benjamin tries to take the mask off of Komander but Alex Abrahantes makes the save… and then gets wiped out by MVP.
Renee is with Kris Statlander. Statlander says Mercede and Kamille ain’t seen nothing yet. Hikaru Shida shows up and says if Statlander beats Mone, she wants the first shot at the championship. Statlander doesn’t want to wait, respects Shida, and wants the match for Dynamite. Shida accepts.
Match #4. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Beefcake Bronson w/ Jacked Jameson & Beefcake Boulder
Body slam by Hobbs. Two. Three. Bronson responds with a rolling elbow and some clubbering to the back of Hobbs, but Hobbs delivers a suplex of his own. Avalanche in the corner and repeated clotheslines by Hobbs. Boulder gets in the ring and gets spinebustered. Torture Rack to Bronson and this one is over.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
Rating: NR