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‘All the street cred with the younger crowd’
11 minutes ago
The latest episode of Saturday Night Live had just ended.
The crew got together on stage to say their thank yous and goodbyes to the audience watching both inside the NBC studio and on TVs around the world.
Musical guest Billie Eilish made her way back out under the bright lights after performing earlier in the night. Only this time, she had on a much different outfit. A baseball jersey from a city 2,000 miles away from her hometown of Los Angeles. A player who was on the team for a brief 4 1/2 seasons, much better known for playing elsewhere. It was, no offense to the pitcher in question, somewhat of a strange choice.
Jake Peavy, Chicago White Sox.
“My phone started going crazy when it aired on the East Coast and that went on into the night,” Peavy told me in a phone call. “I don’t know the last time something got that much traction in my phone with text messages.”
Yes, the former pitcher, who’s won a Cy Young and two World Series rings and been elected to three All-Star Games, spoke of the moment like it was one of the great honors in his life.
Being a big music fan, he, of course, knows of the 22-year-old megastar and her massive success over the last few years. Not only was it cool for him to see, but it was especially cool for his 15-year-old son, Judd, to find out about. Maybe a whole new era of teens will learn of Peavy’s years of dominance on the mound … and that time he purchased a duck boat?
“Huge street cred,” Peavy said. “All the street cred with the younger crowd.”
And why the White Sox version of Peavy’s jersey?
Although he did pitch for the White Sox for almost half a decade and put up some good numbers, Peavy is mostly known for his time with the Padres. He played the longest there, winning the Cy Young, a pitching Triple Crown and two ERA titles.
As to why “Peavy” at all as the name on the back? The current MLB Network analyst has no clue. Maybe Eilish was a superfan of the 2009-13 White Sox? Maybe she was obsessed with the movement of his powerful two-seam fastball? Maybe she watches this video of Peavy every day, mesmerized by its wizardry.
Either way, Peavy wants to thank the seven-time Grammy Award winner for putting him back in the spotlight.
“I’m gonna reach out, I come in peace,” Peavy said. “I wanna sign a jersey for her. She gave me huge street cred in my household and throughout the next generation. Us in the MLB world are appreciative of what she does.”