Carlos Arroyo: My first year was in Toronto. I was playing garbage time against Bonzi Wells. I was at half-court, we were shooting a free throw. I had some runs you know, some assists between the legs, I had some look away passes, and something like that. He got closer to me and he asked ‘Hey young fella, where are you from?’ And I said Puerto Rico and he replied ‘Hey you got that Salsa in your game’ [laughs]. I guess I played with that kind of rhythm. I loved passing the ball, I enjoyed like the look-away pass (…) I remember when I got to the Detroit, Larry Brown was trying to you know kind of like take that away from my game. He was like ‘Make the solid play’, make the hockey assist. I learned the hockey assist when I was here in Miami with coach Ron Rothstein. -via YouTube / January 3, 2025