– Jake “The Snake” Roberts, who was recently diagnosed with pneumonia, gave an update on his health on the latest episode of his Snake Pit podcast. “I think I’m finally kicking out of the flu,” Roberts stated. “Feeling pretty good, feeling almost 100%. I’m doing the right stuff [to get better]. I’ve gotten a lot of well wishes, and I do appreciate them.”
– Rob Van Dam spoke about visiting Chris Bey during his latest 1 Of A Kind podcast. “Chris Bey happens to live very close to us,” Van Dam said. “Katie [Forbes] and I went and visited him because he made it home. He was stuck in the hospital for like two months. He had a match with The Hardy Boys, I know very little about it, but they were going for a move that didn’t work out safely, and Chris broke his neck, and then he was paralyzed. I don’t know how much we should talk about, really, but let me just say, and he said he’s gonna wait until he’s ready to talk, which of course I invited him on here. He is much better than I imagined and much better than he was when he was paralyzed. So he’s not that anymore, and he’s getting everything back. He’s gonna make a comeback, full comeback. I’m sure of it, but it’s gonna be a long journey, and we will probably check in with him a lot because he lives real close. We visited for a while and talked to him and stuff. One thing I told him, I was talking about Hayabusa and I was wondering if he knew what Hayabusa broke in comparison, and I told him Hayabusa would come around, and he was in a wheelchair, and he couldn’t move his limbs. I don’t know if he could move his arms or not. Regardless, I would have what I would define, the closest thing I could compare this feeling to would be survivor’s remorse, like why him, not me? Why not me? Just in my head. That was part of the experience when I’d see Droz as well.”
(H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.)