BCCI secretary Jay Shah has categorically asked the centrally contracted India players to “prove” themselves in domestic cricket if they aspire to play for India and warned that non-participation will lead to “severe implications”. In a letter Shah wrote to the players earlier this week, which has been accessed by ESPNcricinfo, he said the “trend” of prioritising IPL over domestic cricket was a “cause for concern”.
While saying that the board was proud of IPL’s success over the years, Shah wrote: “However, there is a trend that has started to emerge and is a cause for concern. Some players have begun prioritizing the IPL over domestic cricket, a shift that was not anticipated. Domestic cricket has always been the foundation upon which Indian cricket stands, and it has never been undervalued in our vision for the sport.
“It is essential to recognize that domestic cricket forms the backbone of Indian cricket and serves as the feeder line to Team India. Our vision for Indian cricket has been clear from the outset – every cricketer aspiring to play for India must prove themselves in domestic cricket. Performance in domestic tournaments remains a critical yardstick for selection, and non-participation in domestic cricket will carry severe implications.”
Shah wrote towards the end that the letter was “not a critique but a reminder of the values that have shaped Indian cricket over the years. It is a call to collectively ensure that we do not dilute the significance of domestic cricket or weaken its core structure. The responsibility rests with each one of us, as custodians of the game, to uphold the essence of domestic cricket and work together to elevate Indian cricket to newer heights.”