Another one!
Malbon, the King of Collabs, is back with another banger of a collaboration. This time, their partner in crime is world-renowned streetwear brand, UNDEFEATED
UNDEFEATED is no stranger to high-profile collaborations. Their infamous partnership with Jordan Brand only created one of the most sought-after, expensive shoes of all time. Not to mention, hardly anyone could get their hands on them.
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In this case, the Malbon x UNDEFEATED partnership is meant for the masses. The collection consists of a full line of apparel, accessories and more. Everything from hats to polos, headcovers and golf bags are adorned in UNDEFEATED’s signature olive drab and camouflage.
You can shop the entire collection starting now at Malbon and UNDEFEATED.
The post Malbon Taps UNDEFEATED for Latest Splurge-Worthy Collab appeared first on MyGolfSpy.