The Mickey Mouse-themed alt-cast, which featured on ESPN2, ESPN+ and Disney+ during Wednesday’s Spurs-Knicks matchup, featured animated versions of each team’s players with Disney characters occasionally subbing into the action. At various points, Knicks center Karl-Anthony Towns was Goofy, Bridges was Donald Duck and Spurs point guard Chris Paul was Mickey Mouse. Viewers also saw Donald Duck coach the Knicks and Daisy as a sideline reporter next to the pairing of Monica McNutt and Drew Carter. Goofy and Mickey delivered halftime speeches to the Spurs and Knicks, respectively. Aside from the action-packed game, the highlight of the show came during halftime when an animated version of NBA commissioner Adam Silver and gingerbread men judged a dunk contest of Disney characters. Goofy, Donald Duck, Pluto, Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were involved. Minnie won the dunk contest with an acrobatic final dunk that included jumping over a castle. -via New York Times / December 26, 2024