Watzke – through a statement released by the DFL – reiterated that he remained willing to defend the deal in a public forum. The fan groups maintain that Watzke’s supposed “olive branch” remains nothing more than a cosmetic “fig leaf”.
BVB executive and DFL Supervisory Board member Hans Joachim Watzke issued a formal invitation to the ultra groups to discuss the deal in a public forum. This was dismissed as a “cosmetic measure” by Fankurve societies angry that Watzke offered no room for real negotiations over the possibility of a re-vote. Moreover, the groups claimed in a joint statement, noting about Watzke’s invitation suggested that criticism from the societies was being taken seriously. The unified fan societies specifically took note of the fact that 50+1 wasn’t even mentioned in Watzke’s statement.
“We take note of the refusal of the invited fan representatives, yet regret it,” Watzke was quoted as saying in a DFL Friday statement, “A willingness to engage in dialogue is always the basis for democratic cooperation. The criticism from club representatives and fan alliances was not ignored in the past. The voting content in December differs fundamentally from that in May. We remain willing to talk.”